Lecture activity

For companies and students

Preparation of an educational or familiarisation seminar for the client’s managers or regular employees on selected legal topics (compensation for damages, minimum employment law, criminal liability of legal entities, prohibited conduct within distribution networks, autonomous mobility and electric vehicles in the legal framework, imputability of the conduct of employees and other representatives to the legal entity, marketing and law, the so-called “corporate law”, etc. dawn raids (unannounced local investigations by the OCC and how to proceed during them), etc., in Czech, English or French

Preparation and assignment of knowledge verification tests according to the completed seminar, including the issuance of a certificate of completion of the relevant seminar

Preparation of Compliance documents for the client (Code of Ethics, Internal Regulations in terms of AML Guidelines – anti-money laundering measures, Compliance procedures, etc.)

We also lecture to students within universities and colleges.

Are you dealing with a situation you don't know how to handle? Contact us